EcoPot Operator 권한 획득
1. Contract Deploy
EcoPot 진행할 Token과 Project Name 생성시 정해지며 수정이 불가능합니다.
Contract가 Public 환경에 배포되었는지 확인해주세요.
Owner 계정의 보안에 유의해주세요.
Klaytn 의 Smart contract deploy 는 여기 를 참고해주세요.
pragma solidity 0.5.6;
interface IKIP7 {
function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
interface EcoPotLike {
function totalAmount() external view returns (uint);
function amountPerBlock() external view returns (uint);
function distributableBlock() external view returns (uint);
function estimateEndBlock() external view returns (uint);
function operator() external view returns (address);
function getDistributedCurrent() external view returns (uint);
function isInitialized() external view returns (bool);
function isAvailable() external view returns (bool);
function initialize(uint, uint, uint) external payable;
function depositKlay() external payable;
function depositToken(uint) external;
function refixAmountPerBlock(uint) external;
interface EcoPotVotingLike {
function ecoPotExist(address) external view returns (bool);
contract EcoPotOperator {
address constant public ecoPotVoting = 0x2ce59e21364DcA92c90970AD15442146D638997f;
address constant public ksp = 0xC6a2Ad8cC6e4A7E08FC37cC5954be07d499E7654;
address public owner;
address public nextOwner;
address public ecoPot;
address public token;
string public name;
constructor(address _token, string memory _name) public {
owner = msg.sender;
token = _token;
if(token != address(0)) require(IKIP7(token).decimals() != 0);
name = _name;
function version() external pure returns (string memory) {
return "EcoPotOperator20220221A";
// valid fallback
function () payable external { }
// ======================= owner method ===========================
modifier onlyOwner {
require(msg.sender == owner);
function changeNextOwner(address _nextOwner) public onlyOwner {
nextOwner = _nextOwner;
function changeOwner() public {
require(msg.sender == nextOwner);
owner = nextOwner;
nextOwner = address(0);
//withdraw tokens remaining in the operator contract
function withdraw(address tokenAddr) public onlyOwner {
uint balance = 0;
if(tokenAddr == address(0)){
balance = (address(this)).balance;
if(balance > 0){
(bool res, ) ="");
balance = IKIP7(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this));
if(balance > 0){
require(IKIP7(tokenAddr).transfer(owner, balance));
modifier onlyEcoPotVoting {
require(msg.sender == ecoPotVoting);
function setEcoPot(address _ecoPot) public onlyEcoPotVoting {
require(ecoPot == address(0));
ecoPot = _ecoPot;
// ====================== Stat ====================================
function getEcoPotStat() public view returns (
address ecoPotContract, // airdrop distribution contract address
uint totalAmount, // Total amount of tokens to be distributed
uint blockAmount, // Amount of tokens to be distributed per block
uint distributableBlock, // Block number to airdrop start
uint endBlock, // Block number to airdrop end
uint distributed, // Amount of tokens distributed
uint remain // amount remaining in the contract
ecoPotContract = ecoPot;
EcoPotLike pot = EcoPotLike(ecoPot);
totalAmount = pot.totalAmount();
blockAmount = pot.amountPerBlock();
distributableBlock = pot.distributableBlock();
endBlock = pot.estimateEndBlock();
distributed = pot.getDistributedCurrent();
if(token == address(0)){
remain = (ecoPot).balance;
remain = IKIP7(token).balanceOf(ecoPot);
// For Drops AirdropPool
function getAirdropStat() public view returns (
address ecoPotContract, // airdrop distribution contract address
uint totalAmount, // Total amount of tokens to be distributed
uint blockAmount, // Amount of tokens to be distributed per block
uint distributableBlock, // Block number to airdrop start
uint endBlock, // Block number to airdrop end
uint distributed, // Amount of tokens distributed
uint remain, // amount remaining in the contract
uint emptyUint, // return for airdropPool
address[] memory emptyAddressArr, // return for airdropPool
uint[] memory emptyUintArr // return for airdropPool
ecoPotContract = ecoPot;
EcoPotLike pot = EcoPotLike(ecoPot);
totalAmount = pot.totalAmount();
blockAmount = pot.amountPerBlock();
distributableBlock = pot.distributableBlock();
endBlock = pot.estimateEndBlock();
distributed = pot.getDistributedCurrent();
if(token == address(0)){
remain = (ecoPot).balance;
remain = IKIP7(token).balanceOf(ecoPot);
emptyUint = 0;
emptyAddressArr = new address[](0);
emptyUintArr = new uint[](0);
// ===================== Airdrop method ===========================
///@param totalAmount : Total amount of tokens to be distributed
///@param blockAmount : Amount of tokens to be distributed per block
///@param startBlock : Block number to airdrop start
function initialize(uint totalAmount, uint blockAmount, uint startBlock) public payable onlyOwner {
require(totalAmount != 0);
require(blockAmount != 0);
require(startBlock >= block.number);
EcoPotLike pot = EcoPotLike(ecoPot);
require(pot.operator() == address(this));
if(token == address(0)){
require((address(this)).balance >= totalAmount);
pot.initialize.value(totalAmount)(totalAmount, blockAmount, startBlock);
else {
require(IKIP7(token).transferFrom(owner, address(this), totalAmount));
require(IKIP7(token).approve(ecoPot, totalAmount));
pot.initialize(totalAmount, blockAmount, startBlock);
// Airdrop token deposit
///@param amount : Amount of airdrop token to deposit
function deposit(uint amount) public onlyOwner {
EcoPotLike pot = EcoPotLike(ecoPot);
require(pot.operator() == address(this));
require(amount != 0);
if(token == address(0)){
require((address(this)).balance >= amount);
require(IKIP7(token).balanceOf(address(this)) >= amount);
require(IKIP7(token).approve(ecoPot, amount));
// Airdrop amount per block modification function
// The function is applied immediately from the called block
///@param blockAmount : airdrop block amount to change
function refixBlockAmount(uint blockAmount) public onlyOwner {
EcoPotLike pot = EcoPotLike(ecoPot);
require(pot.operator() == address(this));
require(blockAmount != 0);
2. Contract Submission
3. ValidOperator Request
Operator 등록요청 (
Public EcoPotOperator Code로 배포된 contract 확인 과정 후 Valid Operator 설정
Last updated
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